After years of marriage, I am single again. Who would have thought? Not me! Well, life has a way of happening, whether you like it or not.
I have always been a passionate woman, a MacGyver of sorts. I find making people laugh puts a smile on my face. I have adopted many sayings over the years which have become a regular part of my vocabulary. I was once told, “you’re pretty cool; you’re more like a guy than a girl.” I replied, “I’m sure you meant that as a compliment.” I guess my occasional cussing like a sailor may have given him that impression.
During this divorce journey, I have met quite a few people; many of which are still bitter, sad, lost, angry, even months and years after their divorce, breakup or mishap. I want to scream at them and say, pull your balls out of your pocket, wrap them around your neck and wear them proudly like pearls — pearls of wisdom!
My first thought was to start a company called, “Divorced,” but then realized why identify with only one group when there are people with attitudes in every walk of life! Hence, Tees With ‘Tudes was born. My sayings are things that I have said for years and mean something to me or have been suggested by friends.
Fuck You, You Fucking Fuck or FUUFF (pronounced foof) is a phrase that feels so much better than a simple Fuck You! Try it! But don’t just say it to say it, say it with conviction! Doesn’t that feel better than a simple, Fuck You?
I wanted my t-shirts to be able to be worn mainstream, so I try to make people think when they see my shirts. A friend asked if I had heard of the saying, “Don’t cramp my style?” She had always wanted a tee that said, “Don’t cramp my smile.” I thought it was a little too white bread, so I added a little twist to it to make it my own.
The PEEKABOO HEM is my favorite, of course. There is always the comfort of knowing it’s there hidden but, in a moment’s notice, in your face when you need it.
One of my favorite jokes is:
Q. What is the definition of 68?
A. You do me and I owe you one.
I knew my pricing had to end in 68 cents. When you add 8.25% to $27.68, the tax comes out to $2.28. When I see that, it translates in my head to, Two to Hate! When $27.68 and $2.28 are added together, the total price is $29.96. Ninety-six is the pissed off version of sixty-nine. It became crystal clear, when I calculated the tax on $27.68, that I had found my price point!
Now that I’ve given you a little glimpse into how my mind works, come on in. Don’t be scared; a good time is always had by all!
See you on the dark side of humor,
Maria Conchita de la Fuente
de la Montaña de la Vera Cruz (Pffft)

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.

All fashion brands are about looking good. Being Human is also about doing good. And you can do good by the simple act of slipping into a t-shirt or a pair of jeans.